Monday, June 28, 2010

taste your own sweat

Today the temperature hit a high in the 90’s. This by itself is not to bad. When it is teamed up with humidity and working in the sun it leads to a hot day. This was evident by the fact I sweat through my pants by 1000 today. In fact I was able to sweat through my clothes twice today.

Work and my workout made me think about sweating. Why do I like it? What is it about sweating through my clothes that is enjoyable? Any logical person would say there is nothing. My feelings are the opposite. There is a lot to learn when you sweat hard. In fact I feel bad for people who never have had to produce a hard sweat.

I enjoy the taste of sweat. Sweat stand for a whole lot of good. I know when I sweat I am working hard. I know anything worth my time requires hard work. Therefore if I am sweating, what I am working towards has to be worth the effort. When I sweat it teaches me how hard I can go. I know that if I am not breaking a hard sweat, I have more to give. Also, when we push ourselves to a hard sweat it teaches us that we do not break. There are people in the world scared to sweat cause they might push themselves to hard. I feel sorry for them.

This is why in workouts I try to push myself towards a hard sweat. When I am done I want to be able to taste my sweat. This is because I know I am moving in the right direction when I am pushing myself hard.

Workout: 4rds of 25 push ups, 25 squats. 6:45 was my time. I did the first 2 rounds at 3 minutes. I am happy I was able to keep up a pretty good pace even when my push ups were struggling.

Inspirational quote: “I see no virtue where I smell no sweat.” –Francis Quarles

1 comment:

  1. I work hard but don't sweat as much as you. Does that mean someone who sweats more works harder? Or just has a perspiration problem because they sweat so easily> haha
