It is very easy to say you have to give it your all. It is difficult to understand what that means. The question becomes what is your all? Does your all change day to day or hour by hour? Does just because you are doing more then someone mean you are giving more?
Everyday you have to give all that you have to give. When you think about it that way, it has to vary day to day. There are going to be good days and bad ones. Giving it your all on a bad day is not going to be nearly as much as on a good day. That does not mean that you should still not try. Also, it shows more character when on a bad day you still stand there giving it everything you have.
The other thing is to never measure yourself purely against someone else. Me giving it my all is going to be different then you. I can do more work in a day then you and still not have given it my all. However, the man who is able to give it their all everyday builds his character and will succeed in the end.
When giving it your all there are no corners to cuts. It is simple on a bad day to say this is all I am going to do. In this situation you are failing to give it your all. You are also showing bad character. That is why no matter how bad of a day you are having never cut corners. There is no shortcut to success, just a road paved with hard work.
My final thought is that you learn more about yourself on your bad days then on good. The bad part is you have to have learn from your bad days. They have to be seen as learning experiences. You never know when something you learned from one might turn a day into a great day.
Workout: 5rds, 6 kettlebell snatch each arm, 4:03ish. There was a mishap with the timing. Remmy decided to roll on my watch as I was finishing. The extra today was a 15 down to 1 pyrmiad of normal push ups, wide, and narrow. It was a fun one.
Inspirational quotes: “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” – Vince Lombardi
That is a reused picture. However, because of the circumstances, I will let this one go. But from now on, I expect a new picture of Remmy daily. Thanks :)