Do you think this man is driven?
Last night at dinner my parents told me a story. It was a short story without a lot of details. I am going to skip over almost all of them. The basic part of the story that is necessary is that a few months ago when they told family friends I was headed to law school. The reaction was almost disbelief. It was more they did not believe I was serious. It seems to make me think do I have that drive that people see? Was their reaction due to them not seeing me, or me not seeing how people see me?
Driven is used often to describe someone, but what does it mean? Is a driven person someone who wants to succeed? Well who does not want to succeed? I am not sure what it means. I do not believe it really means anything, just a nice sounding expression to give to people who succeed.
I do know these things about myself though. In everything I do, I want to do the best possible. I absolutely hate the feeling of holding back due to laziness. In things I truly care about, I want to be a stand out. I am not scared to admit it. I would love to be a standout crossfitter, I am not, I would love to be though. In law school I want to succeed. I know how to accomplish all of this too. I have to work as hard as possible.
Also I know I do not like to sit still. I constantly am trying to better myself. The fact that I took a year to take care of going to law school drives me crazy. I feel like I am a year behind now. However, that is what I needed to get focused.
Do these things make me driven? The truth is I do not really care. It would not change how I am. I do not think of nice adjectives to describe myself and say that is what I want to be. I just want to be me.
Workout: Rest day.
Inspirational quote: “Don’t live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable.” –Wendy Wasserstein
I know you think about this exact topic all the time and talk with me about it, but maybe you should talk to more people about it, so they can know too :)