This is a picture of how I like to think Remmy looks when I am gone.
There were a million of reasons running through my head how I could justify skipping today’s workout. However none were strong enough to overcome the one good reason I had. That reason was that I have to. I was tired, had a normal day of work but just felt exhausted, but I knew I had to workout.
There are days when you stand there and think of everything else you could be doing. All of the chores you have to get done. Then you take that first step and it feels so good. It makes you question why I though of skipping this. Back in the running days, I dreaded it 90% of the time. Now I dread it only 10%. However, the same thoughts still skip through my head. It almost seems to be a left over process from my running days.
When you are done you feel productive and that you will never again dread doing a workout. This is simple not going to happen. The difference is taking that first step towards the workout with consistence. There is no short cut in getting into shape, just constant hard work. There is no way to get into shape by skipping workouts. You need every workout. This is because every workout is a lesson.
Workout: 21-15-9 of walking lunges each leg, holding 30lb dumbbells, shoulder press, and thrusters. My time was 10:28. It took a few seconds to stop the clock, so I took a few seconds off.
Inspirational quotes: “A road well begun is the battle half won. The important thing is to make a beginning and get under way.” –Soren Kierkegaard
Funny how Remmy was actually looking at you while the picture was being taken haha Currently, he is behind my chasing something in the buses, I hope it is not a bee...