My workout today was a test day. This is a day I come up with to gauge my weaknesses. I pick four movements and go all out for those movements, resting about 5 minutes between exercises. This is an excellent training tool for the future. When I take the test again I will be able to see were my workouts have improved me.
The test today consisted of 100 double unders, 30 burpees, 50 squats, and 3 sets of dead hang pull ups. I was able to do the double unders in 2:19. I am not to happy with this, but know I have neglected double unders. When I do this again in a few weeks I expect to take over 30 seconds off of that time. The burpees were done in 1:25. I was not jumping for joy with this one, but I will live with it for now. The squats I was able to do in 59 seconds. This is respectable. However, I feel that I can do better. I hope to take my time under 55 next time. The final was 3 sets of dead hangs. I was able to get 22 total. I was happy with this. Especially considering the bar I have to use. Overall, I am happy with my test and feel I passed.
This was not the test I am most proud of passing today though. That honor belongs to an accident at work. I hit a wall with the dump truck. I was turning and had to cut it sharper then I really had space to. I nicked the corner of a techo-block wall. I just knocked the corner off and managed to shift the whole side down.
Just a few months ago I would have flipped out and made a big deal about it. I would have blamed someone else, I mean how could it be my fault that I hit a wall? However, I realized the change in me. I was calm about it, took care of it, and moved on. I never once in my head or other wise thought of blaming anyone else. I realized I messed up and had to deal with it. I think they call this becoming an adult. When I was done fixing the wall, the situation was over. It was nothing to make a big deal about. Sometimes you just hit the wall and all I you have control over is how you put it back together.
Inspirational Quote: "I believe that all wisdom consists in caring immensely for a few right things, and not caring a straw about the rest." - John Buchan
I'm sure this is another picture of trying to get Remmy to look at the camera but something is always more interesting elsewhere...