Yesterday I got my birthday present in the mail. It is a 50lb. weight vest. I know it is weird to get so excited about a weight vest but I believe with the lack of access to a gym it will help me out over the next few years. I plan to use it on sprints as well as long distance runs. Also, it can make any body weight movement harder. I am already seeing 100 burpees for time become an awful yet amazing experience. I am also hoping to be able to attempt, "becoming John," in a few months. It is a 20 min AMRAP of the cycle 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats. This is all done with a 50 lb. vest on. I am sure to talk in the future about the joy and misery of training with a weight vest.
This weekend Sara and I will be headed to Crossfit 908 for a team workout. It is in teams of three. There are 150 pull ups, 150 wallball, and 150 v ups to complete, then 300 double unders, 2700 m run, 3000m row. It should be a fun workout.
After that, I will be painting the front porch so I will probably not have to many interesting things to talk about. However, I already know that my post on monday is going to be on a smoked meat. I am smoking a brisket and ribs tomorrow.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Went into Crossfit 908 this morning and took on a grueling team wod. It was Sara myself and Dave. We were able to complete all the work in 2348!!!