This is my Brittany named Remmy. He is with my sandbag. I figured I would do a little advertising for Muscledriver.
Nutrition: Today I got to use my shake at a perfect time today. It was right after a particular tough little session of picking some beds. This is the ideal time due to the fact that my body just got taxed pretty good. The shake was able to give my body the fuel it needed and carry me over until my next real meal, lunch.
My one real thought today comes from that lunch. Yesterday I packed a lunch for work but never ate it. Due to this, I just saved it for today. The only problem is some of my watermelon got slimy. It is not bad just does not taste particularly good. It gave me to thinking just because you have a bad experience cooking or eating a particular food, do not shy away from it. It is absolutely essential to have a wide variety. When you let one bad eating experience eliminate that food from you diet, you are limiting your variety.
Workout: I am absolutely in love with sandbags. There are an extremely useful training tool. It helps you get a step closer to real life. Barbells are great, but when in life are you going to have a perfect grip on a perfectly balanced load. Sandbags are great cause they are not perfectly balanced. There is a ton of work you have to do through the same motions just to stabilize the bag. This allows for even greater stress on balance and coordination.
Not only do they provide this great workout tool, they are extremely versatile. You can use them for almost anything. It literally is just a bag of sand. You can throw it, run with it, lift it.... If you can come up with a movement you are able to do it. The movements that I use most often are the olympic lifts. However, this does not mean that the usefulness is limited to them.
Today my workout consisted of 12 minutes AMRAP of 5 movements with the sandbag. An AMRAP is when you continue through the cycle as many times as possible in the set time. The cycle was 10 deadlifts, 8 hang power cleans, 6 front squats, 4 shoulders to overhead, 2 overhead squats. My goal going in was 10 rounds. I am about 90% sure I did 10 plus 7 cleans. However, I started to doubt my counting, it might have been 9 plus 7 cleans. The difference to me does matter. Since I am not sure I will go with the lower number which means I did not hit my goal. If you are not a hundred percent sure of your number, go with the lower one. That way I will be able to look at myself in the mirror at the end of the day and know I was honest.
Inspirational quote: "Leadership is not about being in control or in charge, it is about being responsible. A true leader takes responsibility and does not passing it on." -Unknown
More about Remmy, less about you! ;)