You might be asking what did I get served. Well the only thing on the menu was 20 lb. of humble soup. It did not taste great.
However I learned about myself. I am normally the one who gets to finish the workouts first. I enjoy winning I will not be shy about that. Anyone who says they do not enjoy winning is lying, winning is fun and everyone enjoys fun. Today I was the last one to finish. Most of the class had left by the time I finished the workout some 43 minutes after it started.
I know that I pushed and pushed for those 43 minutes. This is not a push that you get in a Fran or Helen or anything shorter. It is a different test of your mettle. This is not I cannot do one more pull up, it is can I just keep going. You have the time to ask yourself the question, "should I just quit and get it over with?" When you ask yourself that question is when you get to decide what you want to do.
The options are simple quit. There is no shame in quitting, but quitting is not winning. Quitting is a habit, once you start quitting when are you going to stop. It is the same as running from your problem. That is why I decided that no matter how long it took I was going to finish.
When I finished, it did not seem that bad. Is that not the weirdest feeling. Whenever I finish something difficult and which took effort my first thought is to discount it. However, in retrospect that attitude of not quitting in workout is something that I carry into my life.
I never want to quit. There is something very honorable in finishing what you started. Why do you think our society looks up to it so much. Because the majority of people like to take the easy way out when shit gets tough. How many people are sitting around waiting for the "miracles" of science to solve their problems? These peoples problems would be solved by getting off their own ass and not quitting until they are where they want to be.
My goal is to never quit. I feel if that if this is my goal I can always be victorious. The only time you are really defeated is when you quit.
Inspirational Quote: "The difference between success and failure is getting up one more time."