Wednesday, July 7, 2010

how much do I eat?

When tweaking your diet, quality is probably the most important factor. This means not just getting the good types of fruits and vegatables, but also from good sources. The second most important factor behind quality is quantity. With quantity I have struggled in the past.

The most important part of quantity for me is making sure I get enough. I am very picky on what I eat. I want no grains, fruits and vegatables only. But beyond that, I want more vegatables always. However, I know the importance of making sure I am getting enough food and recently have added in more fruits. It is crazy to think that I would keep them out cause I do not want to eat to much. I do not know what I was thinking.

I say this because I know how important getting enough food is. You have to be giving your body enough to rebuild itself or you will not advance. The whole goal is to get into better shape, not the number on the scale, this is accomplished by giving my body all of what it needs to be health. I also have the advantage of being highly active. This means I am burning so much fuel each day, over eating is not a concern.

Giving your body the fuel neccessary for life means, enough for your activities and to recover. My concern is on the recovery side. I have always had injures. In retrospect, my running injuries are from bad running technique. I have been able to start fixing that with pose running. But I still need to make sure I am giving my body the fuel to recover from workouts, in order to avoid injuries.

The question is how do you know when you have had enough. The simple answer for me is when I think I have had enough, I eat some more. This is because I am very bad at short changing myself. I was on the zone for so long, I think that a few meals a month over what I need will hurt me. As a result I will overcompansate by not eating enough for any meal. However, I know to still stay in reason.

The question you have to answer is what is in reason for you. I highly encourage eating when hungry and until full. I know this does not work for me in my current situation, but has in the past. Now if you are highly active you need more fuel. The whole trick is to play with what you eat. But the first step is always eliminating grains and sugars.